As we prepare for the holiday season and ring in 2018, we reflect on the past year and anticipate the year ahead. 2017 was certainly a year full of transition and expansion for IMS. We were fortunate to be granted opportunities that allowed us to expand our product lines and get hands on with more complex integrations within the healthcare environment. 

Join me as we share some random fun facts from 2017: 

  1. We kicked off 2017 with a new “In the Hospital We Make It All Work Together” blog and published 37 blogs by 13 authors
  2. The wrong movie was announced as “Best Picture” at the Oscars
  3. We sent out over 78,000 blog emails and you have responded favorably 
  4. Prince Harry announced his engagement
  5. Top blog was Crying Wolf, while the most clicked on blog was Out of Desperation. And socially you liked “Is the Lamp Lit?” and “Why IMS?” If you do not follow us on social media, I encourage you to do so.
  6. Top song, according to the Billboard Hot 100 is the duet, Perfect with Ed Sheeran and Beyoncé
  7. We still have our first HUGS Patient Security customer and never had a system uninstalled
  8. According to IMBd, Beauty and the Beast is the highest grossing movie (so far) of 2017 with $504 million. But another Star Wars was just released…
  9. Next year, IMS will continue to do business as we have always done business, with honesty and integrity.
  10. Floyd Mayweather Jr. remains undefeated.

We have been blessed to have worked with our wonderful customers and vendors. We extend our wishes to have a safe and blessed holiday season.
