2 minute read
As a Service Technician for IMS, I work directly with Nurses, Nurse Managers, Biomed Technicians,...
2 minute read
A few years ago, I was on site at a hospital to complete their yearly preventative maintenance on...
1 minute read
Being a service technician has taken me into hundreds of different hospitals over the 14 plus years...
2 minute read
Have you ever considered what makes someone choose one company over another? Is it the exclusive...
1 minute read
In our last blog we discussed “Buyers’ Remorse” and how making an educated purchasing decision...
5 minute read
In celebrating our 30th Anniversary, we will introduce our various departments and share more about...
2 minute read
When asked about a typical day in the life of an IMS Service Technician, my first response is, “It...
2 minute read
Ever buy a new gadget or power tool? Only to find, a year later, that the new tool needs to have...
2 minute read
Remember when you got your first car? I do. It was my Dad’s car and growing up I helped him wash...
3 minute read
A large percentage of our business at Innovative Medical Systems (IMS) revolves around providing...