At IMS, focusing on our customers and ensuring we deliver high quality customer service on a consistent basis is a key pillar to how we do business. One way we display this is the fact that we have someone answer the phone during business hours. By having a person instead of an automated machine, we feel we give customers the personalized care they deserve. Peggy Carder is the voice of IMS. She answers the phone calls at IMS and makes sure customers are directed to the right person. I recently had the opportunity to ask Peggy about her roles at IMS and her life outside of IMS.
How long have you worked at IMS and how has your role changed? I have been at IMS for 14 Years. When I started working here, there were only 3 administrative employees. My role then as well as now, is that I wear many hats. Then, I was in charge of customer service, purchasing, inventory control and occasionally I did shipping and receiving. I am still in customer service, but I also process invoices, do account receiveables among various other duties. And I answer the phone!
What is your favorite part of being the voice of IMS? I have the opportunity to be the first impression with incoming calls from our customers, visitors and solicitors. It is a great responsibility to represent IMS to our customer and vendors.
Any fun or memorable memories from answering phones? The one I will never forget is taking the night calls off the phone in the morning. The call was a little boy and his mom. It was apparently the little boy redialing the phone and the conversation that was recorded was a hoot. I soon realized the little boy belonged to our sales representative and I forwarded the call to him.
Do you feel having someone answer the phone instead of a recording enhances the customer service here at IMS? Absolutely, it’s about personal service! I try to ask enough questions to make sure the caller I speak with is connected with the person who can best meet their needs. Getting it right the first time and not needing to be transferred several times is important.
When you are not answering the phones at IMS, what do you enjoy doing during your free time outside of work? I love spending time with my grandchildren. They are growing up too fast. My husband and I also like to travel and ride our bikes.
Now you have the face and know the person behind the delightful voice you hear when calling into our office. Next time you call make sure to tell Peggy “Hi!” It is so much better then pressing 9 if you need to speak to…