aliView our video series regarding an exclusive sit-down with Ali Youssef, Principal Mobility Expert at Henry Ford Health System. Recently Ali sat down with IMS to talk about disruption in healthcare and how Real Time Locating Services (RTLS) helps manage disruption, especially at the enterprise level. His insight and real world experience are valuable when navigating this landscape. Our goal for this series is to begin the RTLS discussion and to challenge you to ask tough questions. 


Part 1: Disruption:  Discussion about disruption in healthcare and how Real Time Locating Services helps to manage disruption. 

Part 2: What is RTLS?  Discussion about what RTLS is and what the future of patient engagement may look like.

Part 3: Stakeholders: Learn about the importance of how vitally important it is to have all stakeholders involved in the decision process from the start when selecting a Real Time Locating System.

Part 4: Using An Experienced Integrator:  Setting clear expectations upfront on the goal of an RTLS project as well as defining what the desired outcome is key to defining the technology needed to support the goal. Working with an experienced integrator, like IMS at the onset of a project helps develop the strategy and setting expectations is necessary for success.

Part 5: Location Certainty: Understanding the importance of location certainty and how it affects an RTLS use case and the success of the use case.

Part 6: Future Proofing An RTLS System: Choosing the right technology and software allows you to future proof an RTLS system. Choose wisely.

Part 7: Future of Patient Engagement: Engaging patients before they ever walk thru the hospital or clinic doors is the future of patient engagement in Healthcare. Engage them before, during and after!

Part 8: Technology, What's Next? The future of RTLS is patient engagement that begins at home and extends to home care. How can a facility build a system that is forward thinking?

Part 9: Navigating A Steep Learning Curve:  One of the benefits of working with IMS is the amount of experience we bring to the table because IMS works with many different technology vendors and has their finger on the pulse of what is happening.

Part 10: Why Innovative Medical Systems (IMS)?  Working with an integrator, like IMS, proves to be a valuable investment for the hospital, especially at the enterprise level, why is that a smart investment?

Part 11: What IMS Does Differently? IMS is a healthcare systems integrator that specializes in complex hardware and software installations, at the enterprise level and at the local level. Our strength lies in customer education, asking questions and paying attention to the details before, during and after the sale. In Healthcare, we make it all work together.

Part 12: Smart Investment: Working with experienced integrator and vendor agnostic consultants is a smart investment, Why?

Part 13: Mistakes To Avoid: What are the things to avoid as one makes decisions with an RTLS system.

View the entire 13-part video series here