When Starbuck’s announced the early introduction of their ever popular “Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL)” I wanted to leave it, but as a fan of the coveted PSL I was excited. Love pumpkin spice or hate pumpkin spice, for the next few months everything will have a “Pumpkin Spice” flavor option. For those that love pumpkin spice, this is your season. If you have a disdain for all things pumpkin spice, you will shudder at the amount of marketing being tossed at a flavor! Love it or leave it?
How about when you work with an inefficient workflow process that is a pain in the neck? It is inefficient. It wastes time but is critical. For example: manually tracking temperatures in vaccination or blood refrigerators. Taking the time to manually log and check at regular intervals to insure the refrigerator temperatures stay consistent is very time consuming. Let’s not even talk about power failures! What if that task was automated? Love it and leave the manual tracking behind!
What about having multiple carts bedside to simply undertake a procedure? All the equipment is necessary for the process, but what if it was all on one cart? Imagine doing bedside sedation and have one tech integrated unit! Love it and leave all the no longer necessary carts outside.
Tracking infants and insuring they are safe is a huge undertaking. What kind of security system is in place? Simple lock down unit? How effective is a system when infants are not tagged? We all have a responsibility to protect those that can’t protect themselves. Having an infant security system that is simple to use, easy to identify, and is highly effective in protecting the most vulnerable is the best protocol for the OB. How can you not love it? Leave the lock down unit behind!!!
Having a wiggly wheel on your computer cart is maddening! How about the financial loss when the cart investment does not hold up more than two years? Having a defective computer cart has been known to cause the most easy-going clinicians to turn into raving lunatics. With a Preventative Maintenance agreement on your carts, you can always insure they are operating in tip-top shape, saving money in the long run because you increase the lifetime of the cart. Love it or leave it and talk to IMS about a preventative maintenance agreement.
Innovative Medical Systems is a different kind of company in the way we do business. We are a team of dedicated knowledgeable associates who work hard to help make your job easier. We make it all work together and take the burden off your shoulders from installation of an enterprise complex system to setting up a preventative maintenance schedule for your cart fleet. IMS is a company you will LOVE doing business with. We do it differently and after 19 years of service, upgrades and questions answered we still have our first infant security customer to prove it. Love that this customer chooses IMS’s competence and confidence and continues to work to us. Love us too and leave it to our competent team!