One of the keys to the success of a new Patient Security or RTLS system is not only implementation and go-live but also making sure your system continues to operate properly five years later is just as critical. When you employ IMS to install a system, Patient Security or RTLS, you receive in-depth training not only at go-live but on-going as well because we understand that the hospital landscape is ever-changing.

  • Imagine, three years later, go-live is behind you, is everyone still following best practice protocol?
  • Are all new departmental staff fully trained on using the system?
  • Is there a champion overseeing the system?
  • Is your user database up to date?

 To ensure your system is fully being utilized, IMS not only offers a team of trainers that come on site to do hands on training, but IMS also offers access to resources 24/7 to aid your facility during go-live and support your needs for on-going training. 

These “resources” can be accessed on the IMS website at 

  • Once at the website, hover your mouse over “SUPPORT” to see the drop-down menu
  • Click on “Training & Downloads
  • A new page will appear prompting you for a password to enter the site to download the resources.
These resources are available 24/7/365.  Our attention to ensure your systems stays operational and follows best practices is why IMS has the first Infant Security System we installed still in operation for over 20 years!