Ray Cebulski

Ray Cebulski

I’ve been in the medical industry 42 years in various sales, product management/development, marketing and business ownership positions and before that 7 years in carrier based naval aviation. I mention the aviation because as a fleet replacement instructor I came closer to losing my life than I did flying combat missions in Vietnam. It’s as an instructor I really came to understand that the “students” really didn’t know what questions to ask, what situations to prepare for because they had never flown in a fleet combat environment. It was my responsibility to prepare them for the experience of flying at 500 feet, 400 miles an hour, for two hours, through the Cascade mountains in the dark of night. The analogy. That’s what you get when you work with IMS. People with ugly systems sales, installation and support experience. People who are more meticulous than I am. People who know what questions to ask. People who can take you safely through the “experience” of buying, implementing and supporting, complex medical products and systems. P.S. Rumors that I was on the ark with Noah helping with navigation are categorically untrue.

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